Course Project


The goal of the CSC7123 project is to engage a group of students in building a real-life distributed application using middleware-based approaches and state-of-the-art technologies. Synchronous, asynchronous and publish/subscribe interaction paradigms can be leveraged to support data exchange between applications. Such paradigms are supported from the corresponding state-of-the-art technologies discussed in lab sessions.

Project proposal

  • Each project team should consist of 2 members
  • Define project proposal by including: title, introduction, objectives, weekly implementation planning
  • Submit your proposal on Moodle in PDF
  • Submit your proposal, slides, reports and code on Moodle

2024 defined projects

Group Number Group Members Proposal Report
2 Yuri de Sene Alvizi, Arthur Martins Braga Proposal
3 Zahra Mahpasand, Mohammadamin Aryan Proposal
4 Vuong Quoc Anh VU, Joao Paulo FONTOURA NOGUEIRA Proposal
5 Guilhem HONORE, Charles Meyer Proposal
6 Pisey SOEURT, REN Tao Proposal

Presentations Schedule

Time Actibity Group Member(s)

Protocol for project presentations

  • Your demo will consist of a short presentation of your project and ~10 minutes of you demonstrating your system in action. This can take the form of showing us your application, a working front end for your system, a live demo of your devices in action, or perhaps something as simple as an easy-to-read logging print-out of your system’s functionality.
  • We will then ask you several questions about how you designed and implemented your project. This includes showing us the code you wrote and how you partitioned the work among your group members, all of whom must be present during the demo. Your answers are expected to demonstrate that you fully understand the concept you chose to put significant effort into the design and implementation.

Project topics

  • IoT middleware for smart buildings/ smart healthcare
  • IoT Edge Middleware to address a challenge such as (resilience, energy efficiency, or latency… etc)
  • Middleware for mobile environments
  • Event services in distributed environments
  • Middleware Services for Grid Computing
  • Group communication facilities in distributed systems middleware.
  • Incorporation of security policies in middleware environments.
  • Applications , development of web services, e.g. billing service

Guidelines for project report

  • Should be structured as follows:
    • Introduction: key objective that the project is aiming to address and briefly describe proposed work
    • Approach: architecture of the developed system
    • Conclusions: conclusions and possible extensions to this project
  • 4-5 pages of text (suggested size 10-11 pt., single-spaced, 1-inch margins)
  • Should be submitted via Moodle

Guidelines for project slides

  • Each project slides should be about 7-8 slides and it should have at least 1-2 slides for each of the following:
    • Motivation & Goals
    • Proposed project & Objectives
    • System Architecture
    • Conclusion & possible extensions
  • Should be submitted via Moodle