CSC 7321 Middleware and Software Architecture for Distributed Applications - F2024



Wed 9:45am-13:00pm

Lab / Discussion Session

Wed 14:30-17:45pm


Georgios Bouloukakis

  • Office Hours: Wed 14:00-14:30pm

Course Description

CSC7321 discusses concepts, techniques and issues in developing software architectures and middleware systems for large-scale distributed applications. The course will cover middleware interaction paradigms (client/servers, publish/subscribe) and software platforms/middleware standardsfor coordination such as Component-based middlewares, Synchronous methods with Web Services, Representational State Transfer and Distributed Event Based systems (DEBS). Issues in designing middleware environments for special purpose needs (fault-tolerance, QoS, security etc.) will also be discussed.

Deliverables and Grading

What Grade % When
Article Presentation 30% October 11
Labs 20% Every week
Project Presentation 50% October 25

Course Policies

  • Article Presentation: Every group has to present one article. More details here.

  • Project Submission: Project proposal, slides, reports and code will be submitted on Moodle. More details here.

  • Collaboration: You are encouraged to do your project in groups of two. You are allowed to discuss with other classmates or groups but you should eventually complete your project on your own (one submission per group).

  • Q & A: We encourage you to send me your questions by email on georgios.bouloukakis AT telecom-sudparis dot eu.