
Assigned homeworks, and their due dates, are listed on the course schedule.

We will make solutions sets available online after each homework is due. You are strongly encouraged to review these solutions in preparation for the midterm/final.

Submitting your homework

We will be using Gradescope for turning in homeworks.

Creating an account: If you are enrolled in the class, we created an account for you using your email address. You should have received an email from Gradescope asking you to set up your Gradescope account password. More details here.

Preparing your homework: Each problem of a homework must be written on separate page(s). You can use multiple pages for one problem, but one page should not contain multiple problems. If you have a smartphone, here are the instructions for using apps to create PDFs.

Uploading your homework: You must upload your PDF file(s) to Gradescope. Instructions are here. Although Gradescope may allow you to upload file formats other than PDF, I strongly suggest you use PDF. You have two options:

  1. upload multiple PDF files, e.g., one or more for each problem (see “Submitting individual images” in the instructions), or
  2. upload a single PDF file, and identify which pages correspond to which problem (see “Submitting a PDF” in the instructions).

Make sure your submission was accepted by Gradescope by following the instructions here.

Deadlines: The homework must be uploaded before 11:59pm on the due date. As the course policies states, no late homework will be accepted without documentation of a medical issue If you have such documentation, send it along with your homework to the instructor.

Graded homeworks

Graded homeworks will be returned using Gradescope. You must submit any requests for regrades (through Gradescope – see here) within one week of receiving your score.
