EDICT: A simulation tool for performance metrics datasets in IoT environments


This paper demonstrates EDICT, a simulation tool for performance metrics datasets in IoT environments. Such environments are represented using the NGSI-LD data model. EDICT uses NGSI-LD instances and Open Queueing Networks for the composition of a concrete QoS model that is then simulated to generate a performance metrics dataset. This dataset captures performance metrics of Edge interactions such as response time and throughput. We demonstrate the utility of EDICT by showing how a perfomance metrics dataset can be generated for a specific IoT environment.

19th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Smart Systems and the Internet of Things (DCOSS-IoT)
Houssam Hajj Hassan
Houssam Hajj Hassan
PhD Student
Georgios Bouloukakis
Georgios Bouloukakis
Associate Professor

My research interests include middleware, internet of things, distributed systems.

Mahdi Trabolsi
Mahdi Trabolsi
MS Student
Nikolaos Papadakis
Nikolaos Papadakis
PhD Student