
Ongoing Grants

5. PANDORA, Principal Investigator & Scientific Coordinator, EU Funding

Comprehensive Framework enabling the Delivery of Trustworthy Datasets for Efficient AIoT Operation

PANDORA is funded by the European Commission (HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-01). The mission of the project is to develop an integrated AI-based framework that enables the efficient use of (possibly limited) real-world IoT datasets and enables robust/continual operation of AIoT systems at runtime.

Total Budget: €9,795,000.00, Budget TSP: €524,375.00, Grant agreement: 101135775, Duration: 2024-2027

More information:

4. MEDIATE, Principal Investigator, EU Funding

Multi facEteD ImplementAtion of a mixed sofTwarE/hardware-based zero-trust framework for the computing continuum

MEDIATE is funded by the European Commission (HORIZON-CL3-2023-CS-01-01). The mission of the project is to produce a robust technology to address the security and privacy attributes of the Computing Continuum. A complex architecture will be developed based on the concept of zero-trust to perform security-based scrutinisation at all continuum levels (IoT, Edge, Cloud).

Total Budget: €4,700,899.75, Budget (TSP): €317,500.00, Grant agreement: 101168465, Duration: 2024-2027

More information: TBD

3. CoEvolution, Principal Investigator, EU Funding

A Comprehensive Trustworthy Framework for Connected Machine Learning and Secure Interconnected AI Solutions

CoEvolution is funded by the European Commission (HORIZON-CL3-2023-CS-01-03). The mission of the project is to introduce a new STR (Security, Trust, and Robustness) paradigm based on Bills-of-Materials, offering a unified approach to describing AI models in supply chains, ensuring STR compliance with EU directives on trust, fairness, data governance, and GDPR guidelines.

Total Budget: €6,613,126.25, Budget (TSP): €301,250.00, Grant agreement: 101168560, Duration: 2024-2027

More information:

2. DI-Hydro, Principal Investigator, EU Funding

Digital maintenance for sustainable and flexible operation of hydro-power plant

DI-Hydro is funded by the European Commission (HORIZON-CL5-2022-D3-03). It aims to develop intelligent algorithms that use data from static, dynamic (e.g. IoT devices) and alternative sources (e.g. satellites) in order to predict the operating behavior of individual plants and clusters of hydroelectric plants.

Total Budget: €4,498,761.00, Budget (TSP): €403,750.00, Grant agreement: 101122311, Duration: 2023-2026

More information:

1. SecDataGen, Principal Investigator, GFA Funding

AI-Driven Security Data Synthesis for IoT Ecosystems

SecDataGen is funded by the German-French Academy (GFA) that aims to support collaboration between IMT and TUM. SecDataGen leverages the power of AI to generate synthetic data that can be utilized by AI services.

Total Budget: €60,000.00, Budget (TSP): €30,000.00, Duration: Jan 2024 - Oct 2024

More information:

Internal Funding

  1. Futur & Ruptures, Towards Efficient, Context-aware and Privacy Preserving Data Exchange across IoT-Enhanced Communities, funding amount: €125,000, period: 01/10/2023 - 31/09/2026 (role: lead PI)
  2. E4C - Energy4Climate Interdisciplinary Center, A Digital Twin approach for Sustainability-aware Smart Buildings. funding amount: €15,000, period: 01/02/2022 - present (role: PI)

Past Grants

8. SmartCityBus, Participant, ΕΠΑνΕΚ (GR) Funding

Smart Transportation Platform

The main goal of SmartCityBus is the development of a smart transportation platform to efficiently define routes for better serving passengers and optimally use available resources. My main contributions include the coordination of 2 students for the design and implementation of the platform, focucing on real-time aspects.

Duration: 2020-2023

7. TIPPERS, Participant, DARPA (USA) Funding

Testbed for IoT-based Privacy-Preserving PERvasive Spaces

TIPPERS is part of the Brandeis DARPA program which aims to protect the privacy of individuals in smart spaces. My main contributions include guiding 2 PhD students and 15 undergraduates for the abstraction of IoT device interactions towards a semantic vision of smart spaces. Duration: 2019-2022

6. SCIFIRE, Participant, NIST (USA) Funding

Prioritized IoT Data Exchange Middleware for Emergency Response

SCIFIRE is a collaborative project with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) on Smart Fire Fighting technologies. My main contributions include the design of a middleware system for the prioritized delivery of mission-critical data from IoT devices to firefighters. Duration: 2018-2021

5. MINES, Participant, INRIA (FR) Funding

Designing an IoT Edge Infrastructure for Smart Buildings

MINES is part of the INRIA Associate team program which promotes collaborations with organizations outside the EU. In collaboration with the University of California, Irvine, MINES enables the dynamic synthesis of IoT systems with all available heterogeneous devices. Duration: 2018-2020

4. ACHOR, Participant, INRIA (FR) Funding

Dynamic Adaptation of Large-scale IoT applications

INRIA, in collaboration with the Universidade Federal de Goias (Brazil), designed an architecture to support large-scale IoT applications by satisfying end-to-end QoS requirements via resource allocation algorithms. Duration: 2015-2017

3. CHOReVOLUTION, Participant, EU Funding

Large-scale, Dynamic and Secured Choreographies

CHOReVOLUTION is part of the EU’s Horizon 2020 program for the automated synthesis of dynamic and secured IoT choreographies. My main contributions include the mapping of functional and QoS protocol semantics employed by heterogeneous services and IoT devices. Duration: 2014-2017

2. SARATHI, Participant, INRIA (FR) Funding

Personalized Mobility Services for Urban Travelers

INRIA and IIIT-Delhi (India) collaborate to develop a scalable data collection middleware for personalized mobility services in Delhi/Paris. Duration: 2014-2017

1. CHOReOS, Participant, EU Funding

Large Scale Choreographies for the Future Internet

CHOReOS is part of the EU’s FP7 program for the development of large-scale choreographies of services for the Future Internet. My main contributions include the design and implementation of an Enterprise Service Bus for integrating heterogeneous services. Duration: 2010-2013